
Tutors are a key resource for all students and a great opportunity to engage in collaborative learning.

Tutoring is free to all students currently enrolled at Beloit College.

Course-specific tutoring

For course-specific tutoring, professors recommend students to work as tutors and they are trained by the LEADS staff.  Typically, course-specific tutoring is done in small groups of two, and students can request a tutoring session through the Portal.

PASS Drop-in Tutoring

Drop-in group tutoring sessions for our most in-demand subjects! PASS tutoring is held in Science Center room 249 from 7-9pm Sundays-Thursdays and is currently offered for CHEM 117, 220, and MATH 108, 110, and 115.

Individual Organizational Tutoring

When you need assistance with time management, prioritizing tasks, and staying motivated, organizational tutors can provide strategies and skills to help you succeed.  Organizational tutoring can be requested through the Portal.  During sessions, you can learn how to:

  • establish a daily/weekly schedule
  • synthesize the expectations of each course (usually be meshing the syllabi/assignments page)
  • take larger projects (i.e. presentations, papers, experiential work) and divide them into smaller, more manageable tasks
  • practice relevant strategies such as color-coding folders, as well as backpack, room, and study area organization
  • identify and learn how to use tools to stay organized such as using Google calendar or smartphone reminder systems, post-it notes, planners, etc.
  • model structured note-taking methods
  • implement strategies to stay organized and on-task throughout the semester
  • refer to other resources as needed course-specific tutoring, Writing Center, Counseling Center, etc.)

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